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Climate Action

In order to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, we need to cut emissions in half by 2030. 

Taking climate action will help future-proof your business.

How will taking ambitious action in this area benefit your company?

  • Improve efficiency and cut operating costs by reducing energy usage and emissions
  • Strengthen your reputation with customers, suppliers, investors and regulators whilst reducing your exposure to climate risks
  • Stay one step ahead of policy changes and climate regulations
  • Ensure you leave no one behind in the transition to an environmentally sustainable economy

Climate Action*

Target 1

Set corporate science-based net-zero emissions reductions targets through the Science Based Targets initiative, aligning action with a 1.5°C pathway with a goal of reaching net-zero by 2050 at the latest.  


Target 2

Contribute to a just transition by taking concrete actions that address social impacts of climate change mitigation and adaptation measures in partnership with actors such as workers, unions, communities and suppliers.

Make A Commitment

*For both Climate Action targets, the Forward Faster initiative is unable to accept commitments from fossil fuel companies.

For Climate Action Target 1, the Forward Faster initiative will accept both net-zero commitments and validated science-based net-zero targets as long as the commitments/validations have been officially processed by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

All UN Global Compact participants with net-zero commitments or targets through the SBTi will be recognized on the Forward Faster website in addition to the SBTi website.

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We’re here to guide you.

No matter where you are on your climate journey, we can help. Our action guides will show you how you can make the biggest, fastest impact by and beyond 2030.

Join our global movement card

Not yet a participant? Join our global movement.

Want to help your organization take action but not already a participant of the United Nations Global Compact? No problem. The UN Global Compact provides a framework to guide all businesses regardless of size, complexity or location. You can express your interest here in a few simple steps.

Accountable Companies

The Forward Faster initiative aims to increase accountability and transparency by calling for companies to publicly declare their commitments and highlight the actions they will undertake to meet the targets. Companies committing to the targets will be required to report on progress annually to the UN Global Compact.


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